Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My first press conference

At long last we can finally announce that our film, This Beautiful City, has officially been accepted to the Toronto International Film Festival. And we are absolutely thrilled!

Tuesday was the official press conference announcing the Canadian films at TIFF. I had no idea what to expect and didn't want to get my hopes up. I didn't know if we would get any coverage (especially when David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen were on hand for interviews for their film).

But our publicity team (VK) rocked. They ended up getting us 6-7 interviews, far more than I had imagined. I thought we would have been lucky to get 2-3. It was a lot of fun seeing the cast together again in the same room. Aaron was shooting so he wasn't able to attend, but Caroline, Stu, Noam, Caroline, Kat, Lee and myself were there.

It was kind of insane getting a taste for what the festival itself will be like. I really need to make sure I don't get too caught up in free food and booze or I will quickly regain the 20 lbs I just lost!

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